User guide

Words-Keeper is a web application. Why web app? - No need to download, no need to install, no need to update. Just use a modern web browser and any device: smartphone, tablet, notebook or laptop.

This guide will introduce you to the basics of using Words-Keeper.

Sign In

To sign in visit and click Sign in button. There are three options: with Google, with Facebook and with email.

If you have a Google account, you can easily sign in by clicking on the Sign In with Google button. If you previously registered with Words-Keeper using an email address which is the same as your Google account, the Google account will be added to your existing Words-Keeper account so that you will be able to login using either option (Google or email/password).

The same applies to the Sign in with Facebook.

Email and password

If you don't have an account and wish to sign up using your email address, click on the Sign up button. Then enter your email, password and confirm your password. You will receive a confirmation link via email. Once you click on the confirmation link, your account will be confirmed and you can login to your account.

Main menu

The main menu is in the center of the Words-Keeper header. It has three items: Home, Shortcuts, Search. You can also click the logo to open Settings or to sign out from the app.

Home page

Home page is the place where you create top level folders. For example: Food, Sport, Transport, Idioms, Phrasal verbs, Conversations, etc. Later you will create subfolders in these folders and subfolders inside subfolders. Any number of levels is allowed. Example: folder Human, subfolders: Feelings and emotions, Body parts, Health, Appearance, etc.

Tip: If you learn more than one language, create folder for every language (English, Spanish, Japanese, etc.)


When you log in to Words-Keeper or visit while you're logged in, you are directed to the Shortcuts page.

Shortucts let you quickly open important or the most frequently used folders. See Folder menu section to learn how to add folders to Shortcuts or remove from Shortcuts.


When you want to find a word or a folder, just click Search and enter your search term in the search field. All words and folders containing the term you’ve entered appear below the search field.

Note: length of the search term must be more than 2 letters.


In Settings you will find information about your account, such as: email and your native language.

You can also change your password here (if you signed up with email). To change password click the Change Password link, enter your current password, new password, confirm your new password and click Save.

It's possible to use external dictionaries, such as Google, Longman, Oxford, Lexico etc. You can select your favorite dictionaries and use them to translate new words and phrases, copy examples, synonyms, antonyms and definitions. Can't find your favorite dictionary in the list? Just contact me and I will add it as soon as possible.

Click Save changes button after making changes.

Creating folders and subfolders

To create new 'top level' folder open Home page. Click + button. In the appeared window enter folder name, choose color and click: Save or Save and open button.

To create a subfolder open a folder, click ••• (Folder menu) button and in appeared popup click Add subfolder.

Folder menu

The folder menu allows you to perform actions on the current folder.

- Select words You can select multiple words in the current folder to do following operations: Add selected words to another folder, Move words from current folder to another, Delete selected words.

Note: When you delete a word: If the word is in multiple folders, it will be deleted only from the current folder. If the word is only in the current folder, it will be deleted entirely.

- Batch import
Quickly import existing lists of words into the current folder. Separate words, translations and pronunciations with a semicolon. Separate rows with a new line, each row will become a new word.

It's possible to import only words, words with translation or words with translation and with pronounciation.

- Edit - edit current folder, you can rename it or change it's color.

- Add subfolder - create new folder in the current folder.

- Add to shortcuts / Remove from shortcuts - add / remove current folder from shortcuts.

- Move to - move current folder to another folder. In the appeared window select a destination folder and click Move here button.

- Delete - delete current folder. Once you delete a folder, it can't be recovered.

Folders navigation

To open parent folder click left arrow button.

In order to see full path to the current folder or to open one of the parent folders, click on the folder name, a popup will appear as shown below.

Words view settings

In view setting you can:
- change view mode: List, Grid or Cards
- filter words you are learning or have learnt
- hide word or translation in List mode
- choose what to show on the front side of the card: word or translation
- change the order of words or shuffle words


Click on the card to flip it over, click the arrows below the card to go forward or back.

Keyboard shortcuts:
SPACE - flip the card
left arrow button - previous card
right arrow button - next card


The Grid mode is useful for words with uploaded pictures.

Creating words

To create new word click + button, a word window will appear.

1. Enter word or phrase.

2. Enter translation.
If the word has several translations you can separate them with comma: translation1, translation2, translation3, etc or enter them separately by clicking Add translation button.

3. You can also add a pronunciation, examples, synonyms and notes. Click ••• button next to the Add translation button to see all available actions.

4. Upload image. Click button and choose a file from your device, then click Ok.

5. Set status.
Learned - you know the word 100%
Learning - word that you don’t know or you not sure that you know it 100%.

6. Folders.
You can put one word into multiple folders. For example, word Branch, folders: Trees, Company structure. Click the plus button next to folders and a popup will appear as shown below.

Choose a destination folder and click Select button.

7. Click Save to save the word.

Tip: Use button to translate words an read/copy examples, synonyms, antonyms and definitions. A complete list of available dictionaries can be seen at the Settings page.